Smart Surfboard Fins

What is a Smart Surfboard Fin?

The Smartfin Project aims to collect ocean data using specially made IoT sensors embedded in surfboard fins and share this data with the worldwide scientific community for ocean research.

The Project offers the data-collecting smart surfboard fins to its members and encourages them to surf or SUP regularly to collect and transfer the nearshore data to the cloud for oceanographic scientists to use in their research.

Why Smart Surfboard Fins?

Nearshore coastal zones are highly productive, rich in biodiversity, and are where the vast majority of human activity occurs. However, because coastal zones are so dynamic, it is challenging and expensive to measure the trends and effects of climate change in these areas. As a result, scientists do not have consistent, reliable nearshore data and our understanding of climate change in our coastal zones remains incomplete. 

With surfers frequenting these coastal ones they provide the ideal participants to collect data and hence the Smartfin Project was born. 

The Pilot

The first pilot was run in San Diego and collected more than 800 hours of data used to refine the sensors and test the data.

The Smartfin Project is partnered with researchers at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, one of the world’s leading institutions for oceanographic research.  

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